Welcome |
BAY SYSTEMS is a specialist engineering company supplying noise and vibration software, hardware, facility design and consultancy services.
The company was established in July 1990 and has many successful customers in the UK and around the world.
This customer base includes many of the worlds largest and most prestigious companies: -
Honda, Westland, BAe, Ford, Delphi, Komatsu, Dyson, Cooper Tire, and more.
The range of products and services offered includes: -
- Design and construction of NVH facilities- hemi-anechoic chambers
- BARS Ultra Portable Data Acquisition and Recording System 4 - 24+ channels
- nVision NVH acquisition and analysis software
- Vibrant Technology Deflection shape and Modal analysis software
- Electro-magnetic Shakers and vibration controllers
- Accelerometers, light weight and high temperature to 400 degrees C
- Microphones for all applications including temperatures to 125 degrees C
- Specialist "in tyre" measurement devices - Tyre Cavity Microphones and Tyre Cavity Accelerometers
News |
Tyre Cavity Microphone / Tyre Cavity Accelerometer / Tyre Cavity Thermometer
Presenting the Bay Systems Ltd TCM, a remote controlled radio microphone and/or accelerometer designed to capture noise and vibration inside the tyre's cavity. The new Tyre Cavity Thermometer, TCT, provides the opportunity to collect internal tyre temperatures.
For more information, please visit the TCM section. Alternatively download the TCM datasheet, TCA datasheet, or TCT datasheet.
Our latest whitepaper on the use of the TCM for the characterisation of tyre cavity tones can be viewed here.
